Sunday, May 27, 2012

Russian adjectives turned into nouns

  Sometimes adjectives no longer want to play the roles assigned to them and become nouns. At least that's what happens in Russian once in a while. Such newborn adjective-nouns look and conjugate like adjectives but play the role of nouns in a sentence. I'll give you a few examples.

книжный - bookstore
Я купила журнал в книжном. - I bought a magazine in a bookstore.
столовая - dining-hall
В столовой было много народу. - There were many people in the dining-hall.
гостиная - living room
В их доме две гостиных. - There are two living rooms in their house.
парикмахерская - hairdressing saloon
Он пошёл в парикмахерскую. - He went to a hairdressing saloon.
слепой - blind person
глухой - deaf person
У слепых и глухих бывает много проблем. - Blind and deaf people face many problems.
немой - mute person
Немые учат язык жестов. - Mute people learn sign language.
русский - Russian person
Русская и американка позавтракали в кафе. - A Russian and an American girl had a breakfast in a cafe.
дорогой - darling, dear
Дорогой, принеси мне мой телефон. - Darling, bring me my phone.
военный - military man
По улице шли военные. - Military men walked down the street.
другой - other
Мы часто не замечаем проблемы других. - We often don't notice problems of others.
остальной - the rest
Остальное можно оставить здесь. - The rest can be left here.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Russian tongue-twisters – for the brave learners!

  One of the ways to practice pronunciation of foreign words is learning tongue-twisters. Russian tongue-twisters (скороговорки, from скорый - fast and говорить - to speak) might seem pretty hard, but it's a fun way to master all those weird sounds. :) Below are three videos from Russian natives. First two are easier, and the third one is for the bravest of you – even I cannot say all of those tongue-twisters. Good luck!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Japanese words in Russian language

  With Japanese culture now being so popular in many countries including Russia, it's no wonder that other languages borrow words from Japanese. Below are a few Russian words of Japanese origin.

Some such words are quite common. Most Russians know what kimono and karate mean. Others are better known amidst people who like Japanese culture, for example tanka and shamisen.

кимоно, сакура, икебана, бонсаи/бонсай, суси/суши, васаби, дайкон, мисо, соба, саке, цунами, катана, самурай, сёгун, харакири, камикадзе, ниндзя, банзай, боккэн/бокен, айкидо, дзюдо, джиу-джитсу, карате/каратэ, сэнсэй, сумо, тануки, кицунэ, гейша, сямисэн, кото, тайко, оригами, го, тамагочи, хокку, хайку, танка, синтоизм/синто, дзэн

Young Russians are often familiar with words related to manga and anime. Even those who don't watch anime usually know what kawaii and nya mean. Below are words mostly from young people's slang.

манга, аниме, анимешный (adjective: anime-related, like in anime), анимешник (a fan of anime), косплей, косплейщик (a cosplayer), отаку, сэйю, кавай/кавайи/каваий (adverb or noun?), кавайный (adjective), кавайно (adverb), кавайность (noun: kawaiiness), ня!, няшка (noun: something cute), няшный (adjective: cute), покемон, гайдзин, гайдзинка (female gaijin)

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